Product Name: YAMAHA DGX-670 | Product Name: YAMAHA DGX-670 |
Product number: 10026994138711 | Product number: 10026994138711 |
Store: Yamaha Jinyun Specialty Store | Store: Yamaha Jinyun Specialty Store |
Product gross weight: 33.0kg | Product gross weight: 33.0kg |
Origin: Chinese Mainland | Origin: Chinese Mainland |
Product number: DGX-670 | Product number: DGX-670 |
Support for smart devices: Android, iOS, Android, and iOS | Support for smart devices: Android, iOS, Android, and iOS |
Type of cover: No cover | Type of cover: No cover |
Keyboard type: fully weighted keyboard | Keyboard type: fully weighted keyboard |
Style: Other | Style: Other |
Color: Black | Color: Black |
Number of polyphones: 256 | Number of polyphones: 256 |
Number of pedals: Three pedals | Number of pedals: Three pedals |
Number of keyboards: 88 keys | Number of keyboards: 88 keys |
Bluetooth module: supports Bluetooth | Bluetooth module: supports Bluetooth |